Major General Scott M. Sherman is currently assigned as the Deputy Commanding General -Support and Deputy Commanding General - National Guard for United States Army North (5th Army). Additionally, he serves as the Commander of Task Force 51, U.S. Army North’s Contingency Command Post, which provides USARNORTH a rapidly deployable capability to partner with civil authorities and DoD entities in response to a Homeland Defense and Homeland Security Operations.
Previously, he served a short tour serving as the United States European Command Deputy J3, Fires and Effects, in Stuttgart, Germany. While at USEUCOM, General Sherman led and coordinated all kinetic and non-kinetic fires and effects for the J32 (Fires and Space), J39 (Information Operations) and J311 (Cyberspace Operations) staff sections. From January 2020 until April 2023, MG Sherman served as the Director of Joint Staff, Joint Force Headquarters, Colorado. In this role, General Sherman directly supervised the Colorado National Guard Joint Staff and was the commander of the standing Joint Task Force-Centennial, responsible for leading the Colorado National Guard’s response to domestic emergencies. From August 2022 until April 2023, MG Sherman was also dual hatted as the G3 (Wartime), 8th Army, US Forces Korea. In this role, General Sherman was the lead US Forces Liaison and Assistant Chief of Staff to the Republic of Korea Ground Operation Command (GOC/GCC). Commanded by a 4-star ROK Army General, the GOC consists of 7 Corps and over 400,000 Soldiers responsible for guarding the Military Demarcation Line, and in times of armed conflict serves as the Ground Component Command under the Combined Forces Command of South Korea and the United States.
Major General Sherman graduated from United States Military Academy in 1992, commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Field Artillery and served on active duty until 1 September 2000. His previous active duty assignments were Company Fire Support Officer, B/3-325th Infantry (Airborne) in Vicenza, Italy; Battery Fire Direction and Executive Officer, D/319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment in Vicenza, Italy; Battalion S-4, 3-325th Infantry (Airborne) in Vicenza, Italy; Battalion Fire Direction Officer, 4-1 Field Artillery, Fort Riley, KS; Battalion Fire Support Officer, 1-13th Armor, Fort Riley, KS; and Commander C/4-1 Field Artillery, Fort Riley, KS.
MG Sherman joined the Colorado Army National Guard in 2000 and served as the full-time Administrative Officer, S-3 and Executive Officer for 1-157th Field Artillery in Longmont, Colorado. While assigned to 1-157th Field Artillery, MG Sherman deployed in support of Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Noble Eagle III and Hurricane Katrina. In 2006, MG Sherman mobilized with the 169th Fires Brigade in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) where he was the Effects Coordinator for the 25th Infantry Division in Tikrit, Iraq. After returning from OIF in 2007, MG Sherman served as the full-time Administrative Officer and Executive Officer for the 169th Fires Brigade, located on Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado. MG Sherman commanded 3-157 Field Artillery in Colorado Springs, CO from November 2010 to November 2012. Full time, MG Sherman was the COARNG G3 Training Branch Chief from November 2010 until November 2013 and the G3 Plans Branch Chief from November 2013 until February 2015. In 2015, MG Sherman was assigned as the J3/Director of Military Support responsible for implementing programs for National Guard support to Homeland Security, Defense Support to Civil Authorities, and domestic emergency response operations. From October 2017 to September 2019, MG Sherman served on a Command, Leadership and Staff Assignment tour as the Commander of the 169th Field Artillery Brigade and the full-time Colorado National Guard Chief of the Joint Staff, responsible for synchronizing the CONG Joint Staff and TAG Personal Staff, as well as prioritizing staff efforts to ensure National Guard support for domestic operations. Before being appointed as the CONG Director of Joint Staff on 6 January 2019, MG Sherman briefly served as the COARNG Chief of Staff.
MG Sherman’s military awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal with 1 Silver Oak Leaf Cluster, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, the Armed Forces Service Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Senior Parachutist Badge.
MG Sherman received a Master of Business Administration from Colorado State University and a master's in strategic studies from the US Army War College. MG Sherman is a graduate of the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, the Field Artillery Advanced Course, the US Army Combined Arms and Services Staff School, the US Army Command and General Staff College, the Joint Fires and Effects Course, the Harvard University Leadership in Homeland Security Course, the Joint Task Force Commanders Course, the Dual Status Commanders Course, the United States Army War College and the Army Senior Leader Development Seminar.
MG Sherman and his wife, Dr. Valerie Sherman, reside in Greeley, Colorado and have two adult children.