This community page provides information about the DOD DSCA course. The DOD DSCA course is conducted in three phases: Phase I, is an online course; Phase II is a 3.5 day resident or virtual course; and Phase III is continuing education in an online environment consisting of updates about DSCA laws, policy, doctrine and operational lessons learned. For a more detailed description on each phase, see below.
The DSCA Phase is an online course through JKO that orients you to the Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) environment to develop awareness, comprehension and competence. You can find DSCA Phase I on the Joint Knowledge Online Learning Management System. To enroll in the DSCA Phase 1 Course, J3ST-US010:
1. Go to: https://jkodirect.jten.mil/
2. Login
3. Select: Course Catalog
4. Under Clear Search (purple colored tab), locate empty box above Title, Type: DSCA in this box
5. Select: Search (purple colored tab)
6. Once you locate J3ST-US010 Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Course Phase 1, select: Enroll
7. Course Enrollment box will appear middle of menu page, Select Continue
8. In a black box at the top of your screen, you will see this message: You have successfully enrolled in J3S T US010
9. Select: Launch
10. Select: Start.
11. Upon completion, you will receive an enrollment notification email informing you that you completed J3ST-US010, Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Course Phase I.
If applying for Phase II and you completed Phase I more than 12 months ago, please also complete the DSCA Phase I refresher course. This course can be found at https://jkosupport.jten.mil/html/COI.xhtml?course_prefix=J3O&course_number=P-US1394.
1. The DOD DSCA course is charted by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), sponsored by NORTHCOM and executed by ARNORTH. DSCA Phase I is an online course on JKO. Students enroll and graduate DSCA Phase I in JKO. DSCA Phase II is not on JKO as it is a 3.5-day resident or virtual course. Students can apply to attend a DSCA Phase II course. USNORTHCOM/USARNORTH generally conducts 14 DSCA Phase II courses each FY. DSCA Phase III are HD-DSCA updates sent to the students who graduated from a DSCA Phase II course.
2. The DOD DSCA Phase II Course is a graduate level, fast paced, seminar style course for senior NCOs and Officers which offers a Whole of Government perspective on Homeland Defense and DOD support to disasters. The course objectives are for Title 10 Active Duty and Reserve, National Guard, FEMA and other Federal and state agency students to plan, coordinate, and execute Homeland Defense and DSCA missions. These objectives are accomplished through interactive lectures followed by small group case studies and exercises which are facilitated by DSCA Instructors and Subject Matter Experts (SME).
3. The DOD DSCA Phase II course is for senior NCOs (E8 and above) and Officers (O4 and above). Applicants must have at least one year remaining in their unit which has a HD-DSCA mission. O-3s and E-7s must submit a waiver signed by an O-5 in their chain of command specifying why they need to attend the course. This waiver must be approved by ARNORTH. We will accept lower ranking students on a very limited basis; however, their waiver must be approved by ARNORTH and NORTHCOM.
4. To apply to attend a DSCA Phase II resident or virtual course, go through your unit DSCA Registration POC and email your application and Phase I certificate at least 50 days prior to a course start date to the DSCA Course Registrar at usarmy.jbsa.arnorth.mbx.dsca-registrar@army.mil. The application, waiver, and the latest DSCA Phase II Course schedule are located on the JKO community page in the DSCA tab or in the ARNORTH Portal at DSCA Phase II CRS Application Form as of FEB25.
This phase will provide continuing education through regular updates on developments in law, policy, strategy, doctrine and operations related to DSCA, Homeland Defense, Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Enrollment in DSCA Phase III is limited to graduates of the DSCA Phase II course. DSCA Phase III registration can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/DoDDSCA/ or https://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/apf/join-apf/join-hd-cso.